The website you are viewing is deployed by, and running on, a stack entirely built by Ethan Lieske. The stack is Kubernetes running on Vmware VMs that in turn run on a network composed of Dell switches and Forigate firewalls. Services are deployed via ArgoCD while images are built from a local Gitlab installation and Gitlab CI. This stack is meant as an example of how proper CICD should and can be done with existing open source tools.

Skills and History

15+ years of building systems and leading teams to operational excellence.
 All referenced systems below include enterprise deployment and management   

Programming Languages

  • Python 2&3
  • Golang
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Ruby

Major Accomplishments

  • Nordstrom NewRelic Migration
  • Nordstrom Splunk Migraion
  • Nordstrom DNS Migration
  • Rakuten Dockerization
  • Rakuten Operations overhaul and automation
  • Chrysler PHEV
  • Chrysler Witech 2
  • Chrysler National AP roll out 


  • AWS
  • GCP
  • VMware
  • Openstack
  • KVM
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Telemetry Systems

  • NewRelic
  • Splunk (Asteroid Award)
  • Promethus

Devops Systems

  • Chef
  • Ansible
  • Terraform

Leadership Success

  • Rakuten Devops Team reduced deployment failure by 95%
  • Rakuten Devops Team reduced server request lead time by 99%
  • Rakuten Devops Team met or exceeded SLA 2 years in a row.